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DO yOU tHINK Your Home Maybe Haunted


Feelings of being watched or spied on.
• Feelings of someone standing close behind you.
• Feelings of being touched by unseen hands.
• Feelings of the hair on back of your neck standing up.
• Feelings of cobwebs on your face or body.
• Feeling a cold breeze as if someone has walked past you.
• Dark depressing feeling, especially in one particular locatio
• Lights turning on and off, or up and down, on their own.
• Light bulbs blowing frequently.
• Sounds of items being dropped – but when you go to investigate, there is nothing there.
• Seeing unexplained shadows from the corner of your eye.
• Strange behaviour from pets in the property: e.g. dogs barking or growling at something you cannot see, cats staring in a particular area as if they can see someone.
• Hearing voices of people, whispers, or someone calling your name.
• Seeing twinkling lights, mists or unexplained moving shapes.
• Sudden temperature drops, especially in one area of the property.


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Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible

IF your in need of some answers as to what may be happening in your home, we are happy to come investigate. and maybe let you know exactly what is happening. we also do Spirit Release it may be that you have trapped spirit that just needs moving on. We can help get n touch, we also offer house cleansing and aura cleansing.

All home visit's are private and confidential always.

To get in touch please click on the contact page above. we will respond withing 24 hours. To arrange a visit.

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